Continental E-invoicing System Nominated for Industry Oscars
Continental’s E-invoicing system not only won the innovation awards at this year’s Reifen Essen 2010 in June, but was also nominated for one of the NTDA’s Tyre and Fast Fit (TAFF) awards here in the UK. So what’s all the fuss about? Continental’s new electronic invoicing system, which provides improved recording and exchange of invoicing and credit notes between Continental and customers, is designed to make business life easier, but it also shows the company’s environmental credentials.
For some time Continental has been working to reduce complexity and wastage in its back office solutions to make life simpler for customers and reduce the effect on the environment. The introduction in 2010 of a new electronic invoicing system that provides improved recording and exchange of invoices and credit notes between Continental and tyre retail customers is said to have achieved this. And savings on paper and transport both have positive effects on both economy and protecting the environment.