Goodway: Why Products Have to be Pine Tar Free
Pine tar has a long history. It is renowned for its sticky properties and is used heavily in the tyre retreading business. As a common component used by rubber compound manufacturers to produce cushion gum, it serves as a medium to bind the pre-cured tread liner to the buffed tyre casing during the retreading process.
However, not many people are aware of the health dangers linked with prolonged exposure to pine tar. When used in certain rubber retreads, it reportedly emits fumes that are said to lead to asthma, eye and lung irritation – and even cancer. The Environment Directorate of the European Commission that restricts the marketing and use of various biocides considered hazardous to human health and to the environment, included pine-tar its list in September 2006 ( Likewise, the European Union directive on health and safety has also banned pine tar that is used in various industries, closing down the possibility of its future use within certain limits.