Hybrid & Electric Vehicles Gaining Recognition – But Slowly in the UK
A survey of 8,000 motorists Conducted on behalf of Continental in eight major international markets indicates that electric and hybrid drive vehicles are currently the subject of “remarkable” interest amongst motorists. At the start of 2008 the market research company TNS/Infratest surveyed approximately 1,000 motorists each in China, Germany, France, UK, Japan, Austria, Switzerland and the USA, asking a series of questions focused upon their current knowledge and opinions of hybrid drive systems, driving styles and battery powered cars. The feedback received showed that 36.0 per cent of those surveyed were willing to buy a hybrid drive car and a surprising 45.8 per cent expressed an interest in purchasing an electric car. “This trend holds great potential for us as an automotive supplier and provider of environmentally-friendly drive technologies,” said Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann, Conti Executive Board member and chief technology officer, at a press conference in Austria.