Goodyear Farm Tires’ Talking Crop highlights family farming life with Becci Berry
Goodyear Farm Tires’ new podcast series on farming families in the UK has hosted Becci Berry and her daughters, Jaz and Martha, in its second episode. Berry is a familiar figure in the British farming industry, as a trustee of The Institute For Agriculture and Horticulture. She took on Brimstone Farm, a 365-ha mixed farm on the Oxfordshire/Wiltshire borders, in 2010 after the passing of her husband Richard following a battle with bowel cancer. Formerly an award-winning dairy farmer, she rears a herd of 200 native beef cattle and manages various arable operations. The farm is in mixed rotation and, since selling the dairy herd three years ago, Berry has focused on introducing new environmental schemes. Approximately 200-ha of Brimstone Farm is tenanted from the National Trust.