Camera Found in Toilet at Melksham, UK Tyre Plant
The management of Cooper Tire Europe has offered “its sincere apologies to anyone who was affected”, after a camera was found in the men’s toilet by employees. The Wiltshire Times reports that the camera “was installed by a maintenance contractor at the request of a Cooper Tires manager,” who suspected employees of substance abuse. The Unite Union representative John McGookin told the paper that he has discussed the incident with company management, saying, “This was somebody’s misguided approach to a concern. It’s something we have asked that the company ensures does not happen again.”
A Cooper statement said that, “Following an extensive, independent investigation into the discovery of a camera in a toilet, it has been established that:-
1. Although there was suspicion of substance abuse on site, the decision to position a camera in a toilet was unacceptable
2. The company has a policy to deal with suspected substance abuse and this was not followed
3. The camera equipment was not made operational
4. Although the motives were genuine, as the company treats substance abuse seriously, this was a major error of judgement and therefore disciplinary action has been taken against those responsible
5. Procedures are being changed to ensure that such an incident cannot be repeated in future”