Tyre Rubber Filler Manufacturer to Build Asia Eco-Mineral Plant
Fly ash recycling technology firm RockTron has announced it will launch RockTron Asia at the IGEM Conference in Malaysia between 17 and 24 October. Malaysia will provide the British company’s first Asian facility, which will be able to recycle 100 per cent of both fresh and stockpiled coal-fired power station waste (otherwise known as fly ash) through its closed wet system, without any waste stream, according to the company. The processed “eco-minerals” can be used to manufacture tyre rubber filler, as a company representative explains: “RockTron’s product MinTron is a filler for tyre rubber and costs a fraction of the market price (approximately 25-40 per cent less). The amount destined for tyre application is limited to how much a client wishes to order (i.e. it is limitless). Our UK plant at fiddlers ferry is capable of recycling 800,000 tonnes of fly ash and turning it into fillers for rubber in tyres.”