Wirral Tyres Specialists: a new retreader enters the market
Recent years have seen the UK retreading landscape shift enormously. The combined pressures of pandemic-related issues as well as wider economic and cost-of-living factors, combined with material supply difficulties has resulted in two outcomes. First, several retreaders have closed their doors. And second, the balance of retreading materials supply swung away from one large manufacturer-owned franchise approach in favour of an independent-network-driven business model. When the closures took place, they occurred with all the finality “winding up” brings with it. That being the case, it is with great joy to write that in recent weeks Tyres & Accessories has learnt of at least two Phoenix operations where businesses that for one reason or another closed down in the last couple of years, have risen from ashes like the proverbial firebird and are boldly starting again. The first is Wirral Tyre Specialists Ltd, which is now under completely new ownership despite historic roots in the location. T&A had the pleasure of visiting at the end of July.