Ireland extending EPR waste tyre scheme

The Republic of Ireland’s Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme for tyres is to be extended to cover all tyre categories set out in country’s Tyres Regulations (8th regulation). According to Ossian Smyth, Minister of State with responsibility for Communications and Circular Economy, this extension will take effect on 1 January 2025 and enable the environmentally sound management of bus, truck, agricultural, construction and industrial waste tyres. Currently, the EPR scheme manages and seeks sustainable solutions for end-of-life passenger car, 4×4, van and motorcycle tyres.
In order to reduce the risk posed by improperly managed and disposed of tyres, the Waste Management (Tyres and Waste Tyres) Regulations 2017 places certain obligations on those who supply tyres to the Irish market. Ireland introduced an EPR scheme for tyres in 2017. This is operated by Circol ELT (formerly Repak ELT). All tyre producers and retailers are legally obliged to be members of the scheme. Circol ELT will commence industry consultation with key stakeholders to support the upcoming change in legislation.
“The extension of the tyres EPR scheme will ensure all tyre categories are captured under the scheme,” comments Ossian Smyth. “To date, the tyres EPR scheme has operated very successfully and has allowed Ireland to exceed its domestic targets [a minimum recovery rate of 70 pre cent of all tyres collected and a minimum recycling rate of 30 per cent of all tyres collected]. The scheme also contributes to diversion of large amounts of waste from landfill.
“EPR Schemes are an effective method to increase circular economy and provide Ireland with the opportunity to develop economic incentives in favour of circular products and business models.”