Tyrepress.com receives over 300,000 pageviews in September 2023

For the second consecutive month, Tyrepress.com has achieved record traffic. Indeed, during September 2023, Tyrepress.com recorded 316,411 pageviews – a figure that puts the leading tyre industry news site alongside the biggest websites in the business.
And what’s more, September’s impressive pageview performance is not a one-off. In the past, we used to say that Tyrepress.com was able to achieve up to 170,000 page views a month. This year our leading tyre news and information service has exceeded the previous record level almost every month.
Source: Google Analytics
In March 2023, we set a new record of 208,588 pageviews. But that record didn’t stand for long because in August 2023 the bar rose to 251,228 pageviews, before reaching the current record-high levels of 316,411 (see chart).
Tyre Industry Publications Ltd (TIP) also publishes the influential WhatTyre.com business-to-consumer tyre comparison and information site as well as our Mandarin-language B2B offering, TyrepressChina.com. Together the three TIP sites now generate traffic of around half a million pageviews a month.