New roles for Bridgestone management team

The implementation of Bridgestone Corporation’s new global management structure, as announced earlier today, is accompanied by numerous changes in job title and responsibilities. All management changes mentioned here take effect 1 January 2024.
Global roles
Masato Banno, currently Global Chief Technology Officer for Technology, Quality Management, will as of next year be Global Chief Technology Officer Responsible for Monozukuri (the Japanese term for manufacturing, literally ‘production’ or ‘doing things right’). Banno remains a Senior Vice President and Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Yoshikazu Shida will become Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for Global Business Support. Shida is currently Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for Global Corporate Strategy and Talent Creativity Enhancement.
Hidekazu Kimizu assumes an additional role in addition to his current positions as Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for Corporate Administration and Chief Compliance Officer. He also becomes Responsible for Governance & Secretary Office.
Sho Inoue will hold the position of Global Chief Quality Management Officer Responsible for Quality Management. Inoue remains a Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Kenji Yamasaki becomes Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for Global Tire Manufacturing & Engineering.
Akio Kusano, currently Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for Product Development, takes on responsibility for Product & Production Technology Development.
Tomohiro Kusano becomes Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for GX & Innovation Technology Development.
Roles within Bridgestone West
Paolo Ferrari will become Chief Executive Officer of the new Bridgestone West region. He remains Joint Global Chief Operating Officer and an Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Craig Schneider, at present Chief Strategy Officer and Group President, Service & Solution Networks within Bridgestone Americas (BSAM), takes on the new role of Retail Group President of Bridgestone West. He also becomes a Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Scott Damon, Chief Operating Officer of Bridgestone Americas (BSAM), becomes Group President of Bridgestone West BMS (Bridgestone Mobility Solutions) He remains a Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Laurent Dartoux, currently Chief Executive Officer and President of Bridgestone Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (BSEMIA), becomes Group President of the Bridgestone Europe, Middle East and Africa (BSEMEA) business unit. He is concurrently Global Sustainability Initiative Lead (in charge of WBCSD/TIP/GPSNR). Dartoux remains a Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Emilio Tiberio, who is now Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer of BSEMIA, will become Chief Technology Officer of the Bridgestone West region. He remains a Vice President and Senior Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Christopher Nicastro maintains his current roles within BSAM but becomes Vice Chair of the Board instead of Chair. In addition, he will become Vice Chair of the BSEMEA Supervisory Board.
Roles within Bridgestone East
Masahiro Higashi becomes Chief Executive Officer of Bridgestone East. He remains Joint Global Chief Operating Officer and a Representative Executive Officer of Bridgestone Corporation.
Yasuhiro Morita, currently Chief Executive Officer of Bridgestone Asia Pacific (BSCAP), becomes Group President of Bridgestone Asia Pacific, India, China (BSAPIC). He will relinquish his role as an Executive Director of Bridgestone Corporation to become a Vice President and Senior Officer. Morita remains Chair of Bridgestone (China) Investment.
Fumihiko Eitoku will hold a broad remit. He becomes Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for BSDP Diversified Business & Exploratory Business and is concurrently Chair of Bridgestone Diversified Products Japan, Chair and Representative Board Member of Bridgestone Sports, Chair and Representative Board Member of Bridgestone Cycle.
Yuji Mochizuki, currently Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for BSJP (Bridgestone’s tyre and diversified business in Japan) Tire Production and Internal Management, will take on responsibility for Bridgestone East Tire Production and Internal Management.
Shinichi Watanabe, who is Vice President and Senior Officer Responsible for BSJP Chief Quality Officer & Quality Management, will take responsibility for the entire Bridgestone East region.