Continental publishes fleet white paper

Anyone interested in learning more about the Continental Tires portfolio of solutions for fleet management in the passenger car, bus, van and truck segments can now download information on the subject.
Continental says its white paper provides all interested parties with an “informed insight into the challenges currently facing vehicle fleets in Europe.” Continental customers and the firm’s own experts talk about their real-word experiences, new technologies and prospects for the future.
“Our focus is on efficient tyre management,” says Ralf Benack, Head of Conti360° Solutions at Continental. “Sustainability and digitalisation are essential here.” The total volume of the European logistics market is 1.115 trillion euros, with large fleets of vehicles are in daily operation on the continent’s roads, connecting markets, forming supply chains and laying the foundations for mobility. The passenger car fleet in Europe numbers some 250 million vehicles, while the truck fleet is made up of around 6.4 million vehicles.
According to the European Commission, trucks, buses and coaches are responsible for about six per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. Looking forward, emissions from new trucks are to be cut by 90 per cent by 2040 (compared to 2019). And all new buses should produce zero emissions by as soon as 2030. Tyres have a major impact here on fleet sustainability and costs.
The Conti360° Solutions package of services and LODC
Tyres affect over 50 per cent of truck fleet costs. Continental has grouped together its fleet management activities within its Conti360° Solutions package of services and Lowest Overall Driving Costs (LODC) holistic consultancy approach. Under the banner “Digital, Connected, Sustainable”, the “Efficient Fleet Management” white paper is divided into seven chapters examining the main levers for green fleet management. It details the various solutions offered by Continental for fleets to make transport and logistics safer, smarter and more environmentally compatible. The white paper focuses on the key topics of future trends, sustainability, electric mobility, costs, tire development, digitalisation and new forms of mobility.
Trend towards sustainable fleet management
Fleet operators are increasingly embracing a sustainable form of fleet management for passenger cars, vans, buses and trucks. They see it as an opportunity for success in tomorrow’s markets within a highly competitive environment and despite a shortage of workers, escalating energy prices and fragile supply chains. Continental has its sights firmly set on sustainability throughout the entire value chain with its “Vision 2030” corporate strategy. “Sustainability now plays a fundamental role in our company,” says Ralf Benack. “Together with our customers, we are driving change in industry – towards greater protection of resources and a future-oriented transportation system. We see green fleet management as creating a harmonious blend of economy, environmental protection and safety. With the performance of our new generation of tyres, we are shining the spotlight on our Lowest Overall Driving Costs (LODC) comprehensive consultancy approach.”