Integrating sustainability throughout the organisation: Goodyear EMEA VP talks sustainability

“Sustainability” is not new, but it has really stepped into the foreground in the last couple of years. Furthermore, while “sustainability” is often used synonymously with terms like “green” and “ecological”. It is increasingly used in a much more strategic and philosophical manner to refer to areas across the gamut of environmental as well as corporate and social responsibility domains. At the same time, others have accused businesses of using such language as a means of jumping on the bandwagon and even “greenwashing” their companies to make them appear more sustainable than they are. March’s Tyres & Accessories takes a look at all these points and asks how they relate to the tyre business, beginning with this preview of an interview with Xavier Fraipont, Goodyear VP product development EMEA that will be published in the March edition of Tyres & Accessories magazine.
Tyres & Accessories: What are Goodyear’s sustainability targets? And what are your interim goals in this respect?
Xavier Fraipont: We have built a best-in-class structure for integrating sustainability throughout the organization. This integration is reflected in the development of and work toward achieving our sustainability goals. These goals are embedded within our functions throughout the organization, and cross-functional teams across the globe work together to achieve them.
In 2020, we set our goal to win in responsible innovation by introducing a sustainable-material tyre in 10 years, and we have made significant progress toward that goal. In announcing that goal, we put our stake in the ground showing our commitment to responsible and sustainable innovation.
“Goodyear is committed to reducing rolling resistance by 40 per cent and tyre weight by 9 per cent for our global consumer tyre portfolio from a 2005 baseline.” – Xavier Fraipont
In January 2022, we moved that stake when we announced our demonstration tyre with 70 per cent sustainable-material content. In September 2022 we showcased a 63 per cent sustainable-material demonstration truck tyre at IAA in Germany. Then, in January 2023, we moved that stake again by demonstrating our capability to produce a passenger tyre with 90 per cent sustainable materials.
And we continue to move closer to our 2030 goal by announcing that we will industrialize and introduce a tyre with up to 70 per cent sustainable materials this year. This announcement demonstrates our commitment to building a better future. The progress we are making is tremendous, and it is a testament to the team’s innovation, ingenuity and perseverance.
In addition to introducing a sustainable-material tyre by 2030, Goodyear is committed to reducing rolling resistance by 40 per cent and tyre weight by 9 per cent for our global consumer tyre portfolio from a 2005 baseline. Lower rolling resistance means there is the potential to offer better fuel savings, energy usage and carbon footprint reduction.
We are also committed to reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 46 per cent and certain direct Scope 3 emissions by 28 per cent by 2030, in practice this means scope 1 – direct emissions from Goodyear buildings, vehicles and/or operations, scope 2 – emissions related to the utilities used in Goodyear-owned buildings or vehicles and scope 3 – emissions from categories across Goodyear’s value change including logistics and purchased goods and services.
Fully replacing petroleum-derived oils in our products by 2040 is another of our goals as well as transforming our manufacturing operations and processes to all renewable energy by 2040. Finally, we target to reach net zero value chain greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, aligned with SBTi.
This article is a preview of the full interview that will be published in the March edition of Tyres & Accessories magazine. Not a subscriber? No problem, click here to become one.