DfT extends 4-1-1 MOT consultation following trade body campaign

Campaigning by automotive industry trade bodies has led to the Department for Transport (DfT) to extending the current 4-1-1 MOT consultation’s closing date to 22 March 2023.
Stuart James, IGA chief executive commented: “After seeing the incredible support for our campaign, and meeting with the DfT and DVSA in conjunction with the Scottish Motor Trade Association (SMTA), I am delighted that our collective concerns have been listened to.
“The initial six-week consultation period was far too short to thoroughly consider the impact that the many complex topics covered within could have on road safety. Allowing a further four weeks to the consultation period will enable stakeholders time to appropriately consider and respond to the extensive detail contained within the consultation documents.
“While this is good news, we will not relax our efforts to ensure that public are protected from the proposed move to a 4-1-1 MOT frequency, and will continue to work with the DfT throughout the consultation period and beyond.
“I encourage everyone to respond to the MOT consultation with their views, and sign the automotive trade bodies’ petition to stop the 4-1-1 MOT.”
The automotive trade body petition can be found here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/631650