Goodyear Montluçon two-wheel tyre transition completing in early 2024

Following the news that Goodyear is investing in converting its Montluçon factory into a two-wheel tyre production centre of excellence, company officials have confirmed that, subject to consultation with the relevant employee bodies, Goodyear expects the plans to be “substantially complete by the beginning of 2024”.
Commenting on the news, Pierre-Jean Eraud, president of Goodyear France, said: “This project represents a unique opportunity for the Goodyear site in Montluçon, which would become the group’s European benchmark for the production of high-value motorcycle tyres, a particularly buoyant segment driven by strong demand. This investment confirms Goodyear’s desire to remain established in France by investing in the modernization of its sites, in Amiens, Riom and today in Montluçon, despite the difficult context of a rapidly changing market.”