DVSA clarifies categorisation of motorcycle tyre defects
The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has updated the wording relating to its categorisation of motorcycle tyre defects. The associated document, published on 22 August 2022, governs how vehicle defects found during roadside inspections or vehicle tests are categorised and what action will be taken when they’re found. In short, treads near the limit are now subject to inspection notices. The updated wording takes effect on 1 September 2022.
The latest changes add detail to the specification that motorcycle “tyre tread worn beyond the legal limit” or motorcycle tyres featuring “a re-cut tread” are “defects”. Furthermore, three courses of action are outlined. Tyre treads worn beyond the legal limit for motorbikes of 1mm should be issued with an immediate prohibition notice. Likewise, re-cut motorcycle tyres should receive immediate prohibition notices. Tyres treads “close to the legal limit” are now subject to an inspection notice.
The previous classification had grouped all three cases together, making them all subject to prohibition notices.
However, the new wording maintains the loophole allowing motorbikes with “engine capacity of less than 50cc” to have less than 1mm of tread as long as “the tread pattern can be clearly seen over the whole tread area.”
You can read all 269 pages of the DVSA document here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1099246/categorisation-of-vehicle-defects-september-2022.pdf.