“Bridgestone will change” – E8 Commitment launch

Today, Bridgestone Corporation launched its Bridgestone E8 Commitment towards 2030. This commitment consists of eight values that start with the letter E – energy, ecology, efficiency, extension, economy, emotion, ease and empowerment. The company says it will commit to these values in order to “realise a sustainable society.”
“In order to celebrate the group’s 100th anniversary in 2032 as a sustainable solutions company as set out in our vision, I am pleased to announce the launch of our corporate commitment Bridgestone E8 Commitment and out focus on accelerating our transformation,” states Shuichi Ishibashi, global chief executive officer of Bridgestone Corporation. “The Bridgestone E8 Commitment will become eight Bridgestone-like vectors guiding this evolution. We will drive ‘corporate strategy’ reinforcement and ‘corporate culture’ transformation along this commitment and progress our journey together with our 130,000 global teammates.
“The journey ahead is sure to contain many obstacles, including the pursuit of both social and customer value, and the pursuit of sustainability and corporate growth. However, the Bridgestone Group will confront and overcome these challenges, and continue advancing.
Many stakeholders required
“The Bridgestone E8 Commitment cannot be accomplished by the Group alone,” stresses Ishibashi. “We believe that earning the empathy of many stakeholders such as society, our partners and customers, and co-creating value with them will enable us to realise and support a sustainable society.”
Declaring that “Bridgestone will change”, Ishibashi then asked its stakeholders three questions: “Could you emphasise with the Bridgestone E8 Commitment? Would you join us in creating value? Would you join us in supporting the realisation of a sustainable society?
“For the sake of the Earth, which future generations have entrusted in our care, the Bridgestone Group is committed to supporting a sustainable society by co-creating eight values together with our teammates, society, our partners and customer,” concludes the chief executive officer.