Blackcircles SA looking to expand into non-car tyre segments
Following Sumitomo-owned Blackcircles South Africa’s marketing launch in January 2022, the business is now considering ways to expand into other non-car tyre segments.
Speaking in an interview with SA Treads, Blackcircles SA’s general manager, Devlin Moodey said: “The system is set up to accommodate all market segments, so yes, in time we are hoping to expand on our offering. It comes down to finding the right fitment partners in the respective areas.”
Asked whether the is currently able to compete on price, he suggested that the company is not the cheapest:
“…there is room for improvement to our pricing, which we are actively addressing. Bear in mind that different geographical regions in the country have different price points. To ensure a uniform price point on an online platform is a challenge. We need to offer the consumer the best possible price, but added to this, we need to ensure that our fitment partners remain profitable.”