The Tire Cologne: Last chance for exhibitor early bird discount

The organiser of The Tire Cologne 2022 is encouraging potential exhibitors to take the plunge with an early bird discount, which can be obtained until 30 June. Koelnmesse comments that initial indications and registrations “all point to the trade fair being another strong business event that will live up to its ambition.”
“For The Tire Cologne 2022, we are working on the basis of conditions largely returning to normal in the post-coronavirus period,” states show director Ingo Riedeberger. “For companies making their plans, what this means in practice is that there are no stipulations concerning stand sizes.”
Anyone considering attending the show would be best advised to get their jabs beforehand, however: “Koelnmesse will put in place a framework of measures, such as sufficiently wide aisles, a hygiene concept and an approach focused on three principles: vaccination, recovery and testing,” shares Riedeberger.
As part of the revised concept, The Tire Cologne 2022 will be supplemented by the TTC @home digital event. Koelnmesse explains that this offers registered physical exhibitors the “opportunity to also increase their online reach and market to new target groups digitally, thereby boosting their sales.” TTC @home sets out to strengthen communication between exhibitors, visitors and the media, and thus reinforce the momentum that the real-world fair gives the industry.
2 automotive shows in May 2022
Assuming The Tire Cologne takes place as scheduled between 22 and 24 May 2022, it will be the first time the biennial trade fair has opened its doors since 2018. In March 2020, Koelnmesse postponed the show planned for 9 to 12 June that year, rescheduling it as a shorter, three-day event from 18 to 20 May 2021. It in turn announced a further postponement earlier this year. The current dates, incidentally, overlap with those of the Autopromotec show, which is planned for 25 to 28 May 2022.