Heuver installs additional solar panels to ensure continued energy neutrality

Back at the start of 2018, Netherlands-based tyre wholesaler Heuver achieved energy neutrality through the installation of 1,632 solar panels on the roof of its warehouse in Hardenberg. But Heuver aims to maintain its energy-neutral status even as it grows, and has therefore added a further 1,518 solar panels at the Hardenberg site. Heuver contracted Mijn Energiefabriek, which supplied the original panels two and a half years ago, to install the panels.
“At the start of the development of the new building, we were already thinking about reducing energy consumption,” comments director Bertus Heuver. “Shortly after the start, we took the final decision. Because if we meet the standard of ‘very sustainable utility construction’ in terms of building design, then in this day and age we cannot ignore the most efficient energy management. We are already actively working on CSR solutions in many areas. So, installing solar panels on our enormous roof fits in with that vision. We opted for a large-scale approach in order to be able to work at least energy-neutral. We expect to generate more than we consume, so we give that back to society. With a total of more than 3,100 solar panels, we are facing the future with confidence.”
We should do our bit
The 1,632 existing panels are linked to six inverters and calculations indicate that these produce more than 366,000-kilowatt hours annually. The 1,518 new panels have a capacity of 561.66 kWp. “That’s not nothing. We simply believe that we should do our bit for the environment,” says Bertus Heuver. “This was an excellent opportunity. We can achieve a lot of good things with solar energy.”