National Tyres: Vehicle safety vital, staff and customer safety paramount

National Tyres and Autocare have spoken up in support of vehicle maintenance as well as detailing how it will protect staff and customers during the coronavirus outbreak.

“Our customers have been asking if they still need to MOT their vehicles and, of course, it’s vital that everything is maintained and kept roadworthy, so today’s announcement that MOTs will be exempt for the next six months is welcome news for everybody,” BBC News quoted Michael Bourne, marketing director at the company as saying.

“We all recognise our role to stop the spread of germs, while keeping key workers on the road and able to do their jobs,” he added.

Referring to how the company already protects staff and customers, Bourne explained that staff routinely wear protective barrier gloves, fit seat covers and use floor mats before working on customer’s vehicles. Meanwhile, technicians work on ramps that are suitably spaced apart and customers do not need to interact with staff in the workshops space.

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