BPW offers AirSave tyre pressure system

BPW is now delivering the AirSave tyre pressure system, claiming that it pays for itself in the first year. The effectiveness of the company’s intelligent tyre pressure control system saves costs was tested in practice with transport companies: “The purchase pays for itself astonishingly quickly”, said Alfred Weyres, owner and managing director of Alfred Weyres Spedition GmbH. “The system ensures a permanently optimised roll resistance; fuel economy is clear – and added is the considerably longer tyre mileage. Because the fabric carcass is conserved, the system also optimises retreadability.”
For a three-axle vehicle with a mileage of 120,000 kilometres per year and an average pressure deviation of 10 per cent, AirSave delivers a cost benefit of 700 euros per year – solely as a result of the fuel savings (around 250 litres) and the longer service life of the tyres. At 200,000 kilometres, the cost savings increase to almost 1,000 euros. And they do so year after year.
“The gains in time and safety have not yet been factored into this calculation,” emphasises Caren Freudenberg, Product Manager at BPW in Wiehl. “The driver no longer has to constantly check and readjust the tyre pressure on the trailer one at a time. AirSave thus also reduces the risk of tyre bursts, which can lead to considerable downtimes or even serious accidents.”
If the tyre pressure drops rapidly because of damage, AirSave alerts the driver and allows an immediate planned stop in the workshop. The telematics network is already prepared in the factory by BPW. This way, it is not only the driver who is always informed about the tyre pressure via the smartphone app. The authorised agent can also be informed automatically just in case.
The engineers at BPW haven’t reinvented the wheel with AirSave, just incorporated the market-leading P.S.I. system from Celerity DRS and developed it further with numerous measures. BPW thus places great importance on an independent, particularly robust and easy to install design for all external components mounted on the wheel end. The system uses the existing trailer pneumatics and, with a fully automatic booster pump, ensures that the preset tyre pressure is maintained at all times. The air is guided through the axle beam to the wheel end and from there to the tyre valve. The system will uncover a consistent loss of pressure. AirSave kicks in at a pressure deviation of just 0.2 bar – making it more reliable than other tyre pressure monitoring systems. AirSave is maintenance-free for three years. Starting in November, BPW will supply all 9-12 t ECO Plus axles intended for AirSave with the corresponding pre-assembled components. Product Manager Freudenberg: “AirSave is the first tyre pressure control system that meets our requirements in terms of sealing and sturdiness.”
The system can be connected digitally. An optional connection to the “cargofleet3” telematics portal from idem telematics is fitted by the manufacturer. The driver can keep an eye on the condition of all tyres at all times via the corresponding smartphone app. The app also indicates whether air has been readjusted.
Vehicle operators can order the AirSave system ex works directly from their preferred vehicle manufacturer. André Gerken of Celerity DRS is delighted about the collaboration with BPW: “Together with BPW’s engineers, we have extensively developed important components. By doing so, we are together lifting the P.S.I. system to an unprecedented level of quality. We are delighted that BPW has decided to partner with Celerity CRS, and we are convinced that our joint solution will quickly establish itself in the market.”