Galgo named Socially Responsible Company for 8th straight year

Galgo has earned the distinction of being a “Socially Responsible Company” for the eighth year in a row

Galgo has earned the distinction of being an ESR “Socially Responsible Company” for the eighth consecutive year. This award is given by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibly (AliaRSE) and is presented to organizations that are committed to engaging with and supporting social and environmental protection programs within their community.

According to the company, Galgo’s vision and ongoing commitment to operate as a socially and environmentally responsible company, is seen through their achievement of corporate goals such as improving employees’ quality of life, planting trees in Hidalgo, Mexico, and continued expansion of SmartWay certified products which have been determined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce rolling resistance, therefore lowering fuel consumption which contributes directly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“Receiving the ESR title for the eighth year in a row, demonstrates Galgo’s steadfast commitment to be a sustainable company that offers high quality, innovative products and services, and further illustrates their desire to make a positive impact on the environment. It is because of business practices such as these, that Galgo remains a leading manufacturer and distributor of a wide variety of products under their Pre-Q Brand for the tire retreading industry”, company representatives said in a statement announcing the news.

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