Vision Zero: Continental working with IAM RoadSmart

IAM RoadSmart has come together with Continental to support the tyre maker’s Vision Zero campaign to eliminate road deaths, injuries and accidents. Continental will work with IAM RoadSmart over coming months to engage road users at live experiential events. These will see attendees take the driver seat across a range of driving modules at test track locations, With IAM leading a module that gives a first introductory session to advance driver training, observing driver habits and advising on improvements that can be made.
“Continental is delighted to be working with the Institute of Advanced Motorists,” said Mark Griffiths, communications and automotive partnership manager at Continental. “With road safety at the heart of what we stand for, and with tyres the only critical connection with the road it makes sense that our Vision Zero initiative works hand in hand with IAM RoadSmart and its own commitment to strive for increased driver training and improved road safety.”
IAM RoadSmart offers a range of risk management and training services. The aim of the training is to encourage drivers and riders to improve their standard of driving and promoting improved road safety. Increasingly individuals and businesses are participating in the advanced driving courses on offer, including members of staff from Continental who are all offered the training as part of the company’s commitment to road safety.
“Road safety is a shared responsibility,” commented Neil Greig, IAM RoadSmart director of policy and research. “We aim to stop unnecessary road deaths and accidents through the education and coaching of drivers. By working with Continental and supporting their commitment to Vision Zero, we continue the journey towards a road death and injury free world.”
Continental has set itself an ambitious goal to be reached in three successive stages: Evolving from best in braking to zero fatalities, zero injuries and zero accidents.