DriveRightData offering tyre-connected car parc data

DriveRightData is promoting its parc data as “the ultimate forecasting tool for the tyre professional”. According to the company, the strength of its system is that it matches “accurate and comprehensive reports on the number of vehicles in a territory…to DriveRightData’s unique tyre information”. Available in 77 countries and collated from national registration databases, the combination is only said to be supplied by DriveRightData.

“the data…[goes] back to 1985 and with substantial coverage to 1946. New vehicles are added before launch because of our unique relationships with manufacturers, and so we can provide forecasts for six years into the future”, company representatives said in a recent email newsletter.

Furthermore, parc information can be mapped to any data that DriveRight holds be it TPMS, wheel or even product price. The data in Excel or a delimited format to match custom requirements and is updated quarterly in most territories.

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