Klarius increases UK manufacturing capacity

Recent investment has provided Klarius with increased manufacturing capacity for automotive OEM and aftermarket emission control products including exhausts, CATs and DPFs.
“Demand is being driven by both the UK market and export growth” states Paul Hannah, Business Development Director. “The aftermarket is changing rapidly and while quality is still very important, once the required standards and certifications have been met, the focus is all on range and availability.
This is equally true of both the UK and continental markets where distribution organisations, buying groups and factors are working with manufacturers such as ourselves to optimise the supply chain. It has been successful to such an extent that garages can now access all the products they need in a matter of hours.
To play our part in the supply chain as effectively as possible, we have invested in each aspect of the product manufacturing life-cycle, starting with our R&D department that has moved into purpose-built design offices and engineering facilities. To boost sustainability and increase flexibility we manufacture and overhaul our own machine tools via group company KMT, plus we operate our own logistics operation via the AutoLogistiks brand.”
Combining this material investment with an advanced training and a pro-active recruitment policy means that the right personnel are also in place to deliver the additional manufacturing capacity. Klarius Products is investing heavily in people, both from a skilled workforce perspective, in sales operations roles, and the training of garage technicians via IMI accredited courses.
“We are in a strong position to deliver the quality standards, the volumes and the range required by both the original equipment market and the aftermarket here in the UK and across Europe” concludes Paul Hannah.
Klarius has invested over £1million in the business in 2017 – 18 and has won a series of major UK and overseas supply contracts over the period.