TyreSafe: Check your tyres before Bank Holiday, half term

The Spring Bank Holiday weekend is fast approaching and for most schools in England and Wales, it also means half term, signalling millions of drivers loading up their cars to get away for a week’s well-earned rest or a visit to family and friends. Around 30 per cent of Britons stayed in the UK for their holidays in 2017, and this figure is expected to be similar this year. The message from TyreSafe is – whether your car is packed for the day or the week, it’s vital to check your tyres before you leave to minimise the risk of a tyre-related incident.
One of the main causes of vehicle breakdown on Britain’s roads are tyre-defects, leading to lengthy delays and creating further risks for fellow road-users. Many of these could be avoided if drivers ensured they were ready for the trip ahead, by performing some simple-to-remember checks that should be as familiar as remembering to bring your mobile phone and money.
These checks are particularly important for families taking to the roads as the car is likely to be heavier with all your passengers and holiday luggage. This extra weight means that your tyres will need to have their pressure checked and adjusted, to suit the heavier load for the duration of your holiday. TyreSafe reported last year that underinflated tyres were increasing the risk of being involved in an incident, as well as costing the British economy £600 million in unnecessary fuel costs as well.
TyreSafe’s travel advice for half term travel is straightforward, with more comprehensive information, videos and advice on the TyreSafe website tyresafe.org.
Air Pressure – correct tyre pressures are shown on a sticker in your car’s door shut, filler cap or in the owner’s manual. Use an accurate pressure gauge to ensure they are right for the load as part of your pre-journey planning
Condition – stones and other objects in the tread should be removed. Bulges, cracks, cuts and embedded objects are cause for concern and need to be checked by a professional
Tread – use an accurate gauge if you have one or you can use 20p coin as a guide to your tyres’ tread depths. Insert the 20p at several points across and around each tyre. If you can see the coin’s outer rim at any point the tyre may be illegal and you should have it checked by a professional.
“The Spring Bank Holiday weekend provides the perfect opportunity for motorists and their families to enjoy a few days away from home, or to enjoy a half term break,” said Stuart Jackson, chairman of TyreSafe. “Drivers should be mindful of the safety precautions they can take, to ensure their journeys are as safe as possible and uneventful. While drivers typically ensure everyone’s wearing a seatbelt and children are in appropriate car seats, it is just as vital that regular tyre safety checks are carried out before leaving home.
“Visual checks on your tyres, making sure there are no stones or other objects in the tread, checking tyres are free from lumps, cuts or bulges, and have an adequate tread depth, are all key elements that help reduce the risk of incidents on the roads,” added Jackson.