AlloyGater offers workshops silver lining for pothole cloud

The AlloyGator wheel protector has an opportunity for growth as motorists battle alloy wheel damage caused by hitting potholes. Hitting the side of a pothole can cause scrapes, scuffs and dents to alloy wheels resulting in expensive repair bills or even the need for replacements – all of which can be avoided by fitting AlloyGators, the company states. With the winter months sure to exacerbate the pothole problem, due to frozen water expanding cracks in the road, AlloyGator is increasing its efforts to roll out its product to more tyre retailers.

Although not all caused potholes, research carried out by AlloyGator and Micheldever Tyre and Auto Services, four out of every five cars on the UK’s roads may be being driven around with scuffs, scrapes and other unsightly damage to their alloy wheels. Based on the survey findings, it is estimated that there could be in excess of 95 million damaged wheels on UK roads, which could cost motorists a massive £7.6 billion to repair and restore the appearance of their wheels.

However, as well as boosting customer retention, fitting AlloyGators offers workshops the opportunity to inspect the vehicle and see if other items need attention such as tyres, brakes, steering, suspension, plus even servicing and detailing. One AlloyGator approved installer testifies that AlloyGator is the most successful product for bringing in new customers in his 24 years of trading, while for another it generated an extra £1,000 in revenue from one visit alone when he was also able to offer a full detail plus other extras. The company says AlloyGators offer companies an excellent opportunity to generate extra incremental revenue through the additional labour sales needed to fit the protectors, along with increased part sales and healthy margins on the product itself.

AlloyGators – awarded 5 stars by AutoExpress in a product review – are available in a range of 15 colours, from discreet black and silver, through to funky orange, yellow and purple. Workshops joining AlloyGator’s approved fitting network are supported with a comprehensive range of marketing resources, technical back-up and next day service.

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