Hella Hengst cabin filters offer ‘additional profit opportunity’

Regular replacement of the cabin filter is crucial for effective operation, and as traffic on roads worldwide has increased, so has its impact on air quality. These roadside pollutants can reach a car’s driver and passengers through its ventilation or air conditioning ducts. Prolonged exposure to high pollution whilst driving is not only unpleasant; it can have a serious effect on the health of the vehicle’s occupants. Microorganisms accumulate inside the car, potentially multiplying to much higher concentrations than normal. Such a high level of bacteria inside the vehicle can lead to a range of health problems, including more serious issues like asthma and allergic reactions.

Therefore, Hella Hengst states, it’s important for workshops to communicate the health benefits of regular cabin filter replacement to their customers, together with the continued driving efficiencies. Failure to change the filter regularly can cause clogging, preventing bacteria and pollutants from being filtered effectively. A clogged cabin filter also impacts the flow of fresh air, causing difficulty with de-icing, misting up of windows, and increasing the threat of driver and passenger fatigue. Hella Hengst supplies original equipment quality filters made to the high specifications and requirements of vehicle manufacturers. Their extensive cabin portfolio includes particle filters that absorb pollen, dust and soot, as well as activated carbon filters that also keep unpleasant odours at bay. Both types of filter have demonstrated their ability to achieve 100 per cent efficiency.

Moreover, cabin filters provide an opportunity for additional workshop business, by simply asking customers about a check as part of their regular service. Vehicle manufacturers usually specify cabin filter replacement anywhere between 12,000 to 15,000 miles, or once a year. Hella Hengst recommends replacing the filter twice a year if the vehicle is used a considerable amount – once in the Spring, as a great deal of impurities have accumulated over the winter, and another in the Autumn to remove pollen and dead leaves.

Modern vehicles have cabin filters located in a variety of places depending on the vehicle manufacturer, making it difficult for installers to service or replace them. To further assist technicians, Hella Hengst provides easy-to-follow installation instructions for all cabin filter types, including their locations, in every product pack.

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