Tyres ‘a key sector’ at Autopromotec 2017 after tyre space doubles

Promotec: All major global tyre manufacturers present in Bologna
When Autopromotec 2017 takes place in Bologna, Italy between 24 and 28 May 2017, tyres will be a key sector. Indeed, according to company representatives, the 2017 show will be the first time all the most important international tyre manufacturers will be present at the same time. As a result, show organisers Promotec Spa point out that this strong presence means more exhibition space devoted to the tyre business, not to mention a busy calendar events and workshops as part of the AutopromotecEDU programme.
The uptick in tyre interest means the tyre zone will cover not only halls 20, 22 and 31 but also hall 15. Overall, these four halls will host 271 global tyre manufacturers and retailers (new and retreaded) as well as rims. According to Promotec, the majority of exhibitors are international operators. Altogether, tyre exhibits will cover a total surface area that exceeds 19,000 square metres. In addition to the indoor halls, External Area 42 will also host industry players this year.
On top of all this, hall 19 will be exclusively dedicated to tyre equipment as usual. In total 48 companies will exhibit there, the majority of which are Italian, and will showcase the technological expertise that has always distinguished them.
With AutopromotecEDU, Autopromotec offers in-depth analysis of the main trends and scenarios in the aftermarket. As part of AutopromotecEDU, speakers will address the subject of “the circular economy: the virtuous circle of the tyre supply chain”. This round table, will be attended by manufacturers, industry associations and institutions representing the entire industry, will be dedicated to the circular economy, the logic of production devoted to the complete re-use of a product and its components as well as the elimination of waste and scrap materials. The fundamental concept is that the premium product, after having experienced its first life as a new tyre, can be retreaded with important advantages both for the environment and for the economy – and then recovered and recycled in form of secondary raw materials with many different fields of application.
As well as addressing the latest trends in the market, this part of the conference aims to emphasise that tyre retreading represents a strategic opportunity and provides re-manufactured products that combine ecology, safety and saving.
IAM 2017 to focus on Mobile Solutions
Another draw to Autopromotec 2017 is the fact that the event is hosting the International Aftermarket Meeting, which this year will offer a global briefing of the sector with a focus on Mobile Solutions.
The International Aftermarket Meeting 2017 (IAM17) will be held during Autopromotec on Thursday 25 May and will be one of the most high profile events in the AutopromotecEDU calendar of seminars. This year’s official topic will be Mobile Solutions: Opportunities and challenges for the Automotive Aftermarket.
In the words of Josef Frank (former Senior Advisor Aftermarket and former Director Aftermarket at CLEPA), chairman of the event, “By the year 2020, an entire generation of “connected” people, the so called C Generation, will have grown up in an digital and connected world, and digital technology and its tools will be a second nature to this group. Their familiarity with technology, reliance on mobile communications, and desire to remain in contact with large networks will transform the way we work and consume. This megatrend is already affecting the automotive industry and the aftermarket”.
IAM17 provides an opportunity for the aftermarket community to hear from experts what these changes and transformations mean for the sector. The first contribution, after an introduction made by ANFIA, will focus on the Italian Market and will be presented by GiPA. In the second presentation, Tim Armstrong, Vice President Planning Solutions at IHS Automotive, will show the long-term outlook for new mobility solutions around the world and look at the impact on automotive demand and the knock-on effects for the aftermarket industry. In a third part, Matthias Knirsch, Business Development Director at Bosch Automotive Aftermarket will describe the changes in the value chain, where the role of the consumer will be different, the speed of innovation due to connectivity and the need for a clear legal framework. The fourth presentation, Sebastian Ruffino, Business Unit Manager BRIDGE, TomTom, will explain navigation systems will change and will present BRIDGE, a system that offers a flexible platform where businesses can integrate the power of TomTom technology into their business processes. Last but not least in the fifth presentation Fotios Katsardis, CEO at Temot International will analyse the implications of mobile solutions in the supply system.