First IAAF industry briefing ‘a success’
The Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) hosted its first industry briefing of the year at Sales–i in Solihull on Thursday 16 March. Headed up by Mike Smallbone, membership development manager, the event welcomed a diverse mix of IAAF members who were able to benefit from an informative update on IAAF’s latest activity and the threats affecting the independent aftermarket.
Smallbone kicked off the proceedings by discussing the dangers surrounding the recent MOT consultation, with plans to move it from 3-1-1 to 4-1-1, meaning a new vehicle would not be required to undergo its first MOT until it was four years old. The IAAF gave a clear stance, highlighting the key threats faced by the aftermarket as a result, while also emphasising its position to fight against the changes.
A brief summary of the Ricardo Report was also discussed and its role in the Type Approval legislation amendments. Smallbone was on hand to demonstrate the pros and cons of the recently proposed changes, as well as emphasising IAAF’s active role in highlighting the importance of access to vehicle data on the same grounds as vehicle manufacturers.
Guest speaker, Quentin Le Hetet (GIPA UK), was in attendance to further examine the impact of extending the MOT period to four years on the industry, while also looking at the future of parts distribution in the UK and the global consolidation taking place across the automotive aftermarket.
Smallbone said: “We’re delighted by the number of members in attendance, all of whom provided excellent feedback. Sales-i were extremely supportive of the event, offering excellent facilities to all those who attended. These sessions are an essential and useful way to engage with members and ensure they are up to date on the most recent issues affecting the aftermarket. We strongly encourage members to attend our other briefings as the year continues.”
Further meetings will be held and announced throughout the year with the following meeting taking place at VGroup International in Milton Keynes on Thursday 25 May.