Marangoni announces Retreading Systems price rise
Prices for rubber retreading materials sold by Marangoni’s Retreading Systems division will increase by four to eight per cent, depending on product category, in all European markets invoiced in euros. Prices will also rise in non-euro countries such as the UK, however at a different rate. The new price structure will be implemented this month.
Marangoni states that its decision to lift prices reflects the rising cost of raw materials used by the sector and follows a three-year period (2012 to 2015) when the price of many raw materials fell. Marangoni believes the price increases it is introducing won’t have a negative effect on the retreading industry’s competitiveness – indeed, as retreading a tyre uses less raw materials than manufacturing a new one, it believes that retreaders will benefit from the trend towards higher prices.
Forecasts suggest that raw material prices will continue to rise in the coming quarter, and Marangoni notes that it may lift its prices again, probably starting in March.