Marcotran: Goodyear best tyre choice

Spanish haulier Marcotran says Goodyear Fuelmax and Kmax truck tyre have made demonstrable savings on its fleet. Comparative tests run by the company show that on certain routes it can save almost 1,000 euros per vehicle per year by using Fuelmax tyres, and the high mileage offered by Kmax tyres makes them more economical on other routes.
Marcotran is a Spanish based international freight company. Its pan-European fleet comprises about 700 trucks and 1,200 trailers, with routes varying from mundane regional runs to the longest between Spain to Moscow.
Estimated mileage for the Kmax tyres ranged between 240,000 kms for the drive tyres and 450,000 kms for the trailer tyres and for the FUELMAX tyres it was between 220,000 kms for the drive tyres and 350,000 kms for the trailer tyres. This meant that the possible savings for Kmax tyres in relation to mileage was 287.70 euros per year per vehicle compared with the Fuelmax tyre combination.
Fuel consumption with the Fuelmax tyres was 30.38 litres/100km and 31.58 for the Kmax combination, representing an annual saving in fuel cost of 1,252 euros with Fuelmax tyres compared to Kmax.