Vacu-Lug’s Humphries achieves national high in company’s City & Guilds success

Vacu-Lug’s commitment to the retreading sector and the personal development of its team has been illustrated by successes in City & Guilds examination successes. The retread specialist has been entering candidates for the City & Guilds examinations for Part 1 Retread Workshop Practice for many years, and the latest successful entrants for the qualification included ten of its team members. Jason Humphries not only achieved a Distinction pass, but was awarded the highest mark nationwide. Two Credit passes awarded to Dave Alsop and Elaine Dable.
The City and Guilds Part 1 Retread Workshop Practice qualification consists of two mock examinations prior to the final examination. The undertaking of the qualification allows employees within the industry to further increase their knowledge of retreading and gain added skills which can be utilised within their day-to-day practices.
The programme of study is made up of twelve sections including construction, marking and legislation and the stages of the retread process through to rubber technology.
Tim Hercock, Vacu-Lug’s managing director, was delighted with the achievements of his team, commenting: “This qualification really shows the calibre of our candidates and the passion they have for the retreading sector. The investment and hard work put into their studies showed not only a determination to succeed, but also to discover as much as possible about what retreading involves and why it is a crucial part of the tyre industry. We look forward to our team now using this knowledge within their day-to-day activities.”