Michelin Guide Main Cities of Europe 2016 now out

This week saw the release of the 2016 edition of the Michelin Guide Main Cities of Europe, a publication that features the best hotels and restaurants in 44 major cities throughout 20 European countries. This 35th edition of the guide features five restaurants that have gained three stars, bringing the total number of three-starred premises up to 19. In addition, 15 restaurants gained two-star status and 48 picked up a single star.
“In a short ten years, the selection of gastronomic restaurants in Europe’s major cities has truly grown by leaps and bounds,” commented Michael Ellis, international director of the Michelin guides. “Clearly, the number of restaurants offering high quality cooking has grown tremendously in Europe, as seen by the 486 starred restaurants in the 2016 Michelin guide Main Cities of Europe, compared to 242 in 2006, representing a growth of 115 per cent in just ten years.
“Europe’s major capitals, centres of industry and commerce, are veritable crossroads of cultural exchange, and have seen spectacular development in their fine dining options,” Ellis continued. “Berlin is a perfect example of this phenomenon, counting 19 starred restaurants in 2016 versus just nine in 2006. Over the same period, London’s starred restaurant count has almost doubled from 32 to 63, and other European metropoles such as Brussels, Turin, Amsterdam, Paris or Zurich have all seen a huge growth in their culinary offerings. What is particularly impressive is the explosion of one starred restaurants in the major cities, rising from 188 in 2006 to 414 today, a reflection of the new generation of young chefs eager to show their ability to cook at a high level, but often in a casual, relaxed dining atmosphere.”
Rebecca Burr, editor of the Michelin guide Main Cities of Europe 2016, added: “It’s great to see so many new stars awarded this year, especially to restaurants in these emerging cities. Year-on-year our team of full-time inspectors add to the enormous selection of hotels and restaurants in the guide, in every category of price and style. In the 2016 edition there are 1,333 hotels and 2,312 restaurants in total.”
Michelin says its Bib Gourmand recommendations, which recognises value for money, are also very popular with readers. There are 55 new Bib Gourmand awards across this year, bringing the total up to 296.
The guide is only available in English, and can also be obtained in an iPhone version.