Imaginary twin not guilty of fly-tipping
Nottingham Magistrates’ Court has passed no sentence on the imaginary twin brother of Paul Henry, a phantom figure named as the protagonist in a fly-tipping case. His very real sibling was not so fortunate, however – Paul Henry was convicted of dumping tyres by the roadside in Mapperley back in February 2015, and has been ordered to pay prosecution and clean-up costs, plus a victim surcharge, a sum totalling £770. He was also ordered to wear an electronic tag and comply with a curfew order between 8pm and 7am for eight weeks.
The court heard that when Henry was first questioned about the fly-tipping offence he responded: “It’s not me, it’s my twin brother.” He added that he gets “muddled up all the time” with his twin brother.
Paul Henry’s imaginary twin brother has yet to comment on the court’s sentence.