Hella Gutmann offers OBD-equipped TPMS tool

Hella Gutmann Solutions, sister firm of the well-known automotive lighting supplier, sees TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems) as “one of the most significant technical developments to have impacted the tyre industry since the introduction of the run flat tyre”.
A number of diagnostic companies have been quick to develop TPMS programming tools, which are used when a faulty sensor has to be replaced and then then programmed and a “re-learning” process performed to ensure that the system as a whole is functioning correctly.
However, according to Neil Hilton, head of garage equipment at Hella Gutmann Solutions, many of these tools have limited capabilities. “Most of the tools on the market will enable sensors to be programmed and the vehicle re-learning procedure to be carried out, but few offer diagnostic capabilities via a 16 pin OBD connector to reset TPMS warning indicators, adjust parameters and detect faults with the system, which may require a trip to the main dealer to have the warning light turned off.”
The Hella Gutmann Solutions TPMS tool is designed to provide a comprehensive workshop solution enabling a full wireless vehicle check to be carried out before a single wheel is removed. Sensors can be fully programmed and the system’s re-learning procedure initiated. However, where the new TPMS Tool really proves its superiority in comparison to other devices on the market, is its ability to reset the dashboard warning indicators via a 16 pin OBD for a wide variety of vehicle models.
“Many garages are buying cheaper TPMS tools, without really understanding their limitations, said Hilton. “As more garages are faced with TPMS issues, those with the basic tools will undoubtedly see the benefit of buying a more capable device like the HGS TPMS Tool and with the right guidance from their wholesaler they could have purchased the right one in the first place. As the old saying goes – buy cheap and you end up buying twice.”