Kraiburg share pro-retread stance at Czech customer workshop

Following on from the second Kraiburg summit, Kraiburg Austria invited its Czech and Slovakian customers to a workshop at the end of September in Cerna Hora in the Czech Republic. During the even the retreading specialist shared its stance on various “pro-retread” campaigns and gave a status report on the ReTyre project, explaining the background behind the impending tyre labelling.

Kraiburg sales representative Milan Gajdos also presented a summary of the suitability of the Kraiburg designs for winter in conjunction with the snowflake symbol system and introduced the new products in the K_base, K_tech and K_plus ranges, including their performance and mileage results.

The 20 guests that attended were said to have been very interested in the current BRV “Pro Retreading” campaign. A lively discussion ensued in which the debate centred around what stance the retreaders would be best advised to take to stem the tide of Chinese budget tyres and what methods Kraiburg can adopt to offer support in this regard. Kraiburg presented the German “Pro Retreading” campaign to the Czech retreading association after the event – with a view to reaching an international audience with the message of sustainability and economic efficiency conveyed through the German educational advertising initiative in favour of retreads.

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