Borg & Beck publishes wiper blade safety poster

Tyres are not the only rubber component of a car that will deteriorate when exposed to weather, temperature changes and time, as a new poster published by First Line Group (FLG) brand Borg & Beck. Wiper blades’ deterioration affects driver visibility, therefore increasing risks to passengers and other road users. The company recommends that motorists replace their wiper blades annually, and has produced a poster for display in reception areas to argue this case.
The poster highlights the common symptoms caused by worn or damaged blades and how that can affect the safety of those travelling in the vehicle every bit as much as worn tyres or brakes, as good visibility is vital for all road users. FLG is making the poster available on a complementary basis to any motor factor, workshop or fast-fit wishing to display it.
FLG added wiper blades to its Borg & Beck product portfolio earlier this year. The comprehensive programme includes conventional, spoiler, hybrid, flat and rear blades.
Each Wiper in the 55-part number, five-style range is supplied with a complete selection of fitting adaptors to ensure the widest possible vehicle coverage. All are manufactured from 100 per cent natural rubber and incorporate a graphite coating to deliver a smooth, streak-free and silent operation, while also providing the additional benefit of excellent longevity.
To claim a free poster, applicants need to email their name, business name and address to FLG’s marketing email address.