BNP Paribas Rental Solutions renews Vacu-Lug contract

BNP Paribas Rental Solutions has renewed its contract with Vacu-Lug. Under the fleet management contract, BNP Paribas Rental Solutions vehicles are fitted with Vacu-Lug’s own in-house brands, Duramold and Logistik. The company first embarked on a relationship with Vacu-Lug in early 2012, having been impressed with the depth of service and product range on offer.
BNP Paribas Rental Solutions reaffirmed its relationship with Vacu-Lug after reviewing the marketplace. At the heart of Vacu-Lug’s service is its comprehensive fleet management system – VMS – a powerful fleet management tool which provides an operator with detailed tyre, financial and service information relating to their vehicle fleets. VMS allows an operator to analyse fleet data live (in summary or in detail), to see accurate vehicle costings and inspection data identifying any missed vehicles, to produce regular management reports, to view costs by location (benchmarking a fleet’s performance) and ultimately, to manage their fleet more efficiently.
When looking for a competitive supplier that met its service criteria and offered a partnership approach, BNP Paribas Rental Solutions decided to opt for Vacu-Lug once again.
Nick Blakeley, head of contract hire operations at BNP Paribas Rental Solutions, says of the renewal: “Simplistically put, the support that we get from Vacu-Lug on a day-to-day, week-by-week basis is very good. Their pricing is also competitive.”
Vacu-Lug said it was delighted to be continuing to look after BNP Paribas Rental Solutions tyre management requirements, with fleet sales director, Dave Alsop, commenting: “We are constantly committed to ensuring that we deliver efficient and competitive fleet management solutions to our customers. After some stiff competition, we are delighted that BNP Paribas Rental Solutions have once again put their confidence in us to deliver – a responsibility we will never take lightly.”
BNP Paribas Rental Solutions, part of French banking group BNP Paribas, is a commercial vehicle specialist with over 30 years’ experience and 15,000 vehicles under management across the UK and France. It supplies contract hire under a tailored solution, with all vehicles and trailers maintained by an independent network of workshops throughout the UK and Ireland.