Vipal gives “reusing raw materials” presentation at Rubber Conference 2015

Vipal research and development analyst Suelen Moresco sought to answer this question: “How can we use more materials from renewable sources when making rubber compounds for tyre tread manufacture?”

Vipal representatives gave a presentation on reusing raw materials, especially considering the technology used by the company in this respect during the recent International Rubber Conference 2015 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Vipal’s presentation – given by Suelen Moresco, a research and development analyst at the Brazil-based company, sought to answer the question “How can we use more materials from renewable sources when making rubber compounds for tyre tread manufacture?” And the answer was given on the second day of International Rubber The event – held from 29 June 29 to 2 July is said to have gathered “experts from all over the world to discuss innovations and development in the rubber industry”.

The content of the talk is the result of a project in partnership with the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS) located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Suelen Moresco, sought to demonstrate that it is possible to increase the percentage of recycled material in tyre tread manufacture. This makes tyre retreading even more beneficial for the environment than it already is, further increasing retreading’s green credentials.

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