IMI announces launch of free vehicle diagnostics eLearning resources

IMI has launched a series of online vehicle diagnostics training modules, funded by digital solutions charity Jisc. The resources will be free to access through the IMI’s eLearning platform, acquired in 2014 by the IMI. They are aimed at individuals with a background in car maintenance and level 3 qualifications, providing technicians with an opportunity to brush up their diagnostic skills and learn new ones. Modules will be made available to IMI Members first before becoming accessible to the wider industry.
The project came about as IMI identified diagnostic expertise as a major skills gap in the maintenance of modern vehicles. Six modules have been developed covering the diagnostic procedures for different electrical systems around a vehicle. The resources will take the form of advanced simulations which allow participants to undertake the diagnostic process in a virtual environment.
IMI CEO Steve Nash commented, “Up-skilling the sector is a central objective for IMI and the Jisc funding has provided us with an excellent opportunity to provide valuable CPD resources, free of charge to the sector. Modern vehicle technology continues to advance at pace and diagnostic expertise is becoming ever more critical part of the vehicle servicing process. It was this situation, coupled with the high profile of IMI and the established expertise of Tom Denton and his team that led Jisc to awarding us with the funds to develop these resources.”
The new resources will offer an opportunity for IMI to leverage its eLearning platform, which is currently utilised in over 200 colleges in the UK, to support the wider motor industry. IMI already hosts a portfolio of CPD learning opportunities built around partnerships with training providers around the UK.