AA endorses Think! campaign

The AA has welcomed the latest Department for Transport Think! campaign looking at the dangers of rural roads.

Edmund King, AA president, said: “Many drivers, particularly young drivers, are under the miscomprehension that motorways are more dangerous than rural roads.

“Rural roads present drivers with additional, specific challenges and they must adapt their driving to ensure they cope with these safely.

“For example, we know from our own research that many drivers are unsure of how to drive around horses and many drivers say they are often surprised when a cyclist or motorcyclist ‘appears from nowhere’.

“This time of year presents further challenges as the light begins to go and there are wet surfaces and more deer on country roads. Being aware of the additional dangers can help drivers make better decisions about their driving and ensure they get home safely.

“Besides these risks, rural and isolated roads present additional dangers to road users as their very location often means it can take the emergency services that little bit longer to reach them and in the event of an accident the ‘golden hour’ after the crash is vital for rapid medical treatment.

“We would advocate that drivers, even having passed their test, should consider additional lessons on rural roads particularly as some new drivers may never have ventured beyond the urban environment.

“There are some great country roads in the UK but if the drivers want the country roads to take them home, they should drive safely.”

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