Lancashire the worst place to live for car accidents

Data collated by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) highlights the best and worst performing areas when it comes to road safety improvements. The top three areas for reductions are Nottinghamshire, Tower Hamlets and Chester/Chester West; with some 98, 81 and 78 fewer people respectively killed or seriously injured on the roads in these local authority areas in 2013 compared to 2012.

Conversely the three worst performing areas are Lancashire, Kent and Cumbria. In Lancashire 72 more people were killed or seriously injured in 2013 compared to the previous year; in Kent it was 70 more and Cumbria 43 more.

The top ten best performing areas in the UK, according to statistics on reported casualties from the Department of Transport, are Nottinghamshire, Tower Hamlets, Chester/Chester West, Suffolk, Hackney, Staffordshire, Islington, Greenwich, Gloucestershire and Redbridge.

The bottom ten local authority areas consist of Lancashire, Kent, Cumbria, Norfolk, East Sussex, Rotherham, Wirral, Surrey, Worcester and Hampshire.

Simon Best, chief executive of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, said: “Figures will always vary from year to year but the wide variations do suggest that some councils are much better at putting measures in place that are having a marked difference in reducing the numbers of deaths and serious injuries on their roads. As the economy improves spending on road safety must be seen as a priority across the whole of the UK with clear strategies in place to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads.”

Reported KSI casualties by local authority area (2012/2013)

The top and bottom ten authorities, with numbers of killed or seriously injured in 2013 compared to the previous year, are as follows:

Biggest reductions

Local authority area 2013 2012 Difference
Nottinghamshire 345 443 -98
Tower Hamlets 87 168 -81
Chester West and Chester 136 214 -78
Suffolk 291 362 -71
Hackney 83 147 -64
Staffordshire 165 221 -56
Islington 71 122 -51
Greenwich 28 73 -45
Gloucestershire 213 255 -42
Redbridge 51 93 -42


Biggest increases

Local authority area 2013 2012 Difference
Lancashire 642 570 72
Kent 594 524 70
Cumbria 239 196 43
Norfolk 392 352 40
East Sussex 339 305 34
Rotherham 113 86 27
Wirral 126 99 27
Surrey 599 574 25
Worcestershire 186 162 24
Hampshire 706 684 22

Source: IAM

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