SMMT appoints new aftermarket development manager

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) has named Peter Lawton as Aftermarket Development Manager. After nearly 15 years as an automotive journalist and the last three years as Editor of CAT (Car and Accessory Trader) magazine, he will assume responsibility for SMMT aftermarket activities from 23 April 2014. Lawton replaces Wendy Williamson who is joining the Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) as Chief Executive.
Commenting on SMMT’s new appointment, Chief Executive Mike Hawes said, “The aftermarket is one of the most diverse and dynamic business areas we have in the UK automotive industry. Peter’s existing relationships with the sector and knowledge of the issues it faces will allow SMMT to enhance its aftermarket activities and offer an ever-improving service to our members.”
Peter Lawton said, “I’m thrilled to be joining SMMT and look forward to helping the sector go from strength to strength. While I’m sad to be leaving CAT, I’m very pleased that I’m staying in the aftermarket and relish the opportunity to continue working with its fantastic people and businesses.”