Sailun encouraged by European truck market ‘progress’
Sailun says the last three years have seen it establish a stronger truck tyre presence in Europe, from what it describes as “a relatively very low” base. The company states that its approach has been through research and development, epitomised by the creation and growth of a 400-strong Technical Quality and Research Centre at its company-owned manufacturing plant in Qingdao.
Having first entered the demanding North American truck tyre market, Sailun began to develop its European distribution channels in 2010. Key to its strategy was the need to identify and partner with specialist truck tyre distributors who would work together with Sailun to develop and grow the local market. It believes factory-generated test and performance data, along with rigorous trial periods utilising distributors’ own vehicles, established the TBR range, giving distributors the confidence to recommend Sailun to fleet and dealer customers.
Focussing on the major markets initially, Sailun recruited professional distributors partners across Europe – Kirkby Tyres (United Kingdom), Doumerc (France), Andia (Germany), Intergomma (Italy) – interest across Scandinavia, the Balkans, Russia and the Iberian peninsula has followed.
Benefitting from the adaptability of the TBR portfolio, Sailun is pleased with the growth it has achieved, reportedly claiming two per cent market share in more developed territories. This growth has been supported by extensive marketing investment, such as special brochures and major European trade show activities.
Martin West, managing director, Sailun (EMEA) commented: “We are delighted with the progress being made in the European truck market. We will only work alongside professional and high-quality distributor partners – we have a quality product which differentiates itself in the market – we need to ensure the product is correctly positioned and supported locally. Our current distributor partners are generating enormous interest – and are using the Sailun tyres on their own fleet – personal endorsement.
“We will continue to develop the range, the use, the front and rear wheel drive options – our research and development team are constantly seeking ways to improve the performance and value of the Sailun product. We are very confident for the future and are forecasting growth for Sailun in a relatively stagnant market.”