First all-new licensed ContiTread plant opens in US
On 19 July, the first all-new ContiTread licensed retreading facility in the US officially opened. The DLS Retreading plant, located in Fort Mill, South Carolina, will serve the retreading market in its home state with truck tyres retreaded with ContiTread flat pre-cure treads, and will also offer emergency road service, truck tyre service and new Continental and General-branded tyres. The 72,000 square foot (6,689 square metre) facility includes a 16,000 square foot retreading unit as well as 11 service docks. DLS Retreading is expected to employ 50 workers within four years.
Scott Snyder, vice-president and general manager of DLS Retreading, said the new facility could not have been created without the partnership of Continental Tire the Americas’ Commercial Vehicle Tire business unit. “We have truly worked together as a team and what makes this the most intriguing is that Continental has taken a year to work with our family, providing resources and capital, to make sure that we could get into this market successfully. I feel confident that with Continental’s help, our company and ContiTreads are the perfect fit for this area.”
The DLS Retreading facility is the first of Continental’s licensees in the US to be a completely new retreading venture with no pre-existing operations. According to Snyder, what will ensure the company’s success as a start-up is its choice of products. “Continental is a top tier truck tyre, and everyone wants to try their solution of new tyres with matching retreads. Now we’re here to help prove to these local fleets, with Continental’s support, that Continental is an excellent choice for their lifecycle needs.”