Union files charges over Cooper Findlay lockout
On 6 December the United Steelworkers International union and its Findlay, Ohio branch, Local 207L, filed charges against Cooper Tire & Rubber with US government agency the National Labor Relations Board. The charges allege Cooper Tire committed “unfair labour practices in bargaining and imposing a lockout” at its Findlay tyre plant, the USW reports.
“Cooper locked out 1,051 members of USW Local 207L on November 29, 2011 at its profitable Findlay facility, despite the union’s good faith offer to keep working while negotiations toward a new labour contract proceeded,” stated the USW in a press release announcing the filing of charges. According to the union, the centrepiece of the charges is that Cooper wants bargaining unit members to ratify a contract without being privy to full details of an incentive plan that may lead to major wage cuts. “Cooper insisted that its incomplete proposal would have to be accepted, ratified and implemented before necessary studies would be finalised. That meant workers would vote on a proposal not knowing if their wages were increasing or decreasing and by what amounts,” the USW says.
In total, the USW alleges some ten charges. These include refusing to bargain by conditioning continuation of talks on the union moving from its current negotiating position; falsely declaring impasse; disparaging the International union in meetings with bargaining unit members; and unilaterally changing conditions of employment by cancelling scheduled work and extending the Thanksgiving holiday shutdown until the lockout began on November 29. The USW adds that the unfair practices also include the lockout itself and Coopers continued support of a bargaining position tainted by the “illegal labour practices” cited in the charges.
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