Wholesale Stalwart Dick Anderson Retires

After some 46 years in the industry, well known tyre industry veteran Dick Anderson retired from wholesaler RH Claydon on 30 June. Having started as a youngster in the industry with North British Tyre & Rubber (latter to become Uniroyal Tyres) in Edinburgh in 1964, Anderson says that he has enjoyed his time “in a fascinating and now complex industry” and seen the many changes over the years.

Speaking to Tyres & Accessories Anderson thanked all those who have supported him during his time in the business and explained that he is retiring to Cambridgeshire with his wife Linda to be nearer his son and granddaughters: “We will move from our present home in Bury St Edmunds…to spend time ‘smelling the roses’ and maybe improving my golf!”

Anderson wished all friends found throughout his many years in the industry well and added his hopes that we all find satisfaction – as he has done – in being part of such an exciting industry.

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