Michelin Gives 1,000 Stoke Workers World Cup Coverage
Michelin’s Stoke-on-Trent facility is taking a flexible approach to its employees’ wish to watch the World Cup match with Slovenia this afternoon. The manufacturer stated that, while it was impossible to allow its workforce to leave the site en masse, line managers have been given the discretion to allow their staff to watch the game on televisions placed around the Campbell Road location.
The need – or otherwise – for employers to be flexible has been a major topic of conversation in UK news broadcasts this morning, and a survey suggested that 40 per cent of businesses would allow its staff to down tools for the decisive match. Kicking off at 3pm, traffic analysts predicted a “second rush hour” starting at 1:30pm, when some workplaces allow their workforce to go home to see the game. Meanwhile, National Grid predicts a surge in demand for energy before the game and at half-time, when viewers switch on their televisions and make cups of tea.