Federal ‘Corners’ the Market
Following the success of the programme it introduced early in 2008, Federal Tire has further developed its marketing plan for tyre dealers. In order to strengthen its market position, the company has released an “image corner” – a move it hopes will help consumers gain a better understanding of Federal. The company says it aims, through the introduction of these displays in its export markets, to create a presence that “established the essence of the Federal brand” and helps the company sustain a competitive edge while improving business.
The Federal image corner is a free-standing installation accompanied by a tyre rack, poster stand and promotional item display, and the Taiwanese tyre maker has striven to create a presence that is “confident, straightforward, engaging and dynamic”.
“We believe this exciting initiative will give us the opportunity to bring to consumers both quality and style that Federal is promoting as a useful tool kit to support sales through the independent sector,” the company said in a statement. Federal adds that more than a dozen international distributors in the US, Canada, Spain, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines have currently applied to participate in the programme.